Claim Handling Service for Healthcare
Claim Handling Service for Healthcare
  1. Application completed:
    • Notification of receipt within 3 working days.
    • Compensation notification within 10 working days.
    • Compensation payment within 2-5 working days of compensation notification.
  2. Application incomplete or requiring verification:
    • Notification for additional documents within 5 working days.
    • Verification up to 90 working days.
    • 30 working days to submit required documents.
  • Bao Viet An Gia Insurance
  • Bao Viet Intercare Insurance
  • International Travel Insurance 
  • Vietnam Travel Insurance
  1. Reimbursement claim form

    Claim form (here) must be filled out and signed by the Insured or the Claimant who is the Heir/Beneficiary/Nominated receiver named on the Certificate/ Legally authorized representative of the Insured (except for cases where the Insured is under 18 years old whose claim forms shall be completed by his/her legal parents/guardians).
    In case the insured is above 18 years olds and appointing other to receive payment on behalf of him/her, an authorization letter attested by the authority would be accepted.

  2. Records of payment procedure:

    Invoices/bills/receipts as regulated by the Ministry of Finance; Enclosed detailed breakdown (For medical facility that issues E-invoice: Conversion Invoice with the signature of the authorized person and stamp is required. Otherwise, only the originals from the medical facility are acceptable and shall be considered as the property of Baoviet General Insurance after the claims are reimbursed).

    Financial invoices/receipts must be originals and shall be considered as the property of the Insurer. The invoice for medication/treatment must be issued within 30 days from the date of prescription/treatment and show the quantity and name of medication compliant with prescription by the treating doctor. The Insurer does not accept cumulative retailed receipts, only one retail receipt is acceptable for each claim.

  3. Medical documents:

    Medical record/Medical certificate/Medical report with doctor's diagnosis and indications for treatment; Prescription; Indications and Results of test/images; Hospital discharge; Certificate of Surgery; Other documents.

    Medical documents must be original signed and stamped by the medical facility (except for prescriptions at the public hospital with printed barcode). In case the original cannot be provided, a notarized copy or a certified copy of the Insurer can be accepted. In any case, the Insurer has the right to require the original for inspection

  4. In case of accident:

    Accident report; Driving license/Vehicle registration certificate; Other documents.

    Accident in daily life: Accident report (here)
    Labor accident: Accident report must be signed and stamps by the employers.
    Traffic accidents:
    - Accident report (here);
    - Conclusion of the investigation into the cause of the accident issued by the police department (if the police are involved or the Insured dies);
    - Driving license, vehicle registration certificate (original or notarized copy or certified copy of the Insurer can be accepted).

  5. In case of permanent disability:

    Results of Injury Assessment issued by the authority.

  6. Allowance due to sick leave/accident leave:

    Sick leave letter; Timesheet (or Certificate of leave) certified by the employers; Labor contract/Salary Increase letter/Payroll (not required if the allowance is not based on the monthly salary)

  7. In case of death :

    Death certificate, Medical documents of examination and treatment upon death (if any), Documents required for inheritance (in case the Certificate of Insurance does not appoint the beneficiary).
    These documents must be originals or notarized copies.

  8. Documents proving family relationship:

    For the claims of relatives in case the Insurer requires.


Bao Viet General Insurance reserves the right to require the customer to provide additional documents or other evidence to complete the due dilligent process.

List of excluded healthcare facilities

List of excluded healthcare facilities: Here




  • Ha Noi 07 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Phan Chu Trinh Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Ha No    
  • Da Nang:  5th Floor, 97 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau Ward, Da Nang
  • Ho Chi Minh:  6th Floor, EVNNPT Building, 610 Vo Van Kiet Street, Cau Kho Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Hotline 24/7: 1900558899  - Ext 3  
